Sunday, July 19, 2009

why's eserythings in boxes?

daddy came backs to scooties finally.
me wasnt happies with hims for leaving me for so longs me didn't talks to
hims for ages, but me finally forgis hims.
daddy's verys tired though, and he's been sicks this weekends :-(
he's putting eserythings we owns into boxes and some peoples has comes
and taken aways some ofs our stuffs...
we's gonna stay with a friends whos been looking asters me for a little bit, and then
daddy says we's movings v.far aways once he can start his new jobs...
but he's sick right nows, hes not been sleepings keeping scooties awakes all nights too, and now hes coughings and making weird noizes... daddy let scooties get some sleeps.

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