Monday, October 29, 2007

Yeaaahhhh Halloween party

Daddy dressed me up in my pumpkin outfits again, and we went out for a drives.
Me was all embarrassed, me hoped nobodies would see me dressed as a pumpkins.
Well we ended up drivings to the doggie park, me though oh crap all the guys is
going to see me like this :-(

scooter & charleyBut it was okies, they's all dressed up toos! There was doggie treats, and rubber chickens, and like lots of cool stuffs everywheres. Charley and Gracie were theres, Charley came dressed as a fisher mans, and Gracie came as a lioness or somethings, me not sures. But she looked prettys.

Daddy tooks lots of fotos ofs us, and has put thems up for peoples to see
Reston Dog Park Halloween Party 2007. Which is cools. All the other doggies were wearing funny costumes. Rocky came as a fire-doggie, coz he likes fire trucks and stuffs. Me not sure what Simon was, me thinks it was a moo cows or somethings. There was a spidermans puppy, and snow whites puppy, and lots ofs others too. It was lots of funs.

That was until there was a problems with duffys, where he bit Charley's grand-da :-(
He had to leaves and go to the hospitals, daddys tolds me ages ago nevers to bite someones, and me listens and nesers has. But Charley's grand-da will be okies, he's got some medications to help hims.


Charley said...

Hi Scooter! Mommy's daddy is okay now, Duffy bit him hard but he's been feeling muchos better. Halloweenie partay was sooper fun!

P.S. Haha you're a punkin :)

Charley said...

SCOOTER! I read a horrible thing on the pooter todays. You needs to be vewwy careful with the skwirrels!